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Laser Dentistry

Laser Dentistry

Bow Tie Dental Studio is one of the few offices that offers laser dentistry in New York. Laser dentistry provides a minimally invasive approach for multiple dental issues and has gained increasing popularity over the last decades due to its numerous benefits. If you’ve never heard of this innovative technology before, we advise you to read this section!

What is Laser Dentistry?

LASER stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.” Laser dentistry uses this narrow, focused, powerful beam of light energy to reshape and remodel soft and hard tissues. This technology had its first application in Dentistry in 1960 and has been widely used since the FDA approval in 1994.


Lasers can be used for multiple dental treatments, making them more efficient and comfortable. The procedures are pretty similar to the conventional ones, but the only difference is that dentists use these highly concentrated light beams instead of traditional blades or drills.


This state-of-the-art technology can be pretty expensive, and not all offices can offer this service. If you want to experience what laser dentistry feels like, schedule a consultation at Bow Tie Dental Studio to be seen by one of the best laser dentists in New York!

Laser dentistry’s increasing popularity came as no surprise considering the multiple benefits associated with this type of dental therapy:

Less bleeding during and pain. Laser light keeps blood loss and pain to a minimum. This particular feature is based on scientific grounds: light and heat can seal off blood vessels and nerve endings, which results in less blood loss and pain. Laser dentistry is practically painless, so most patients do not need local anaesthetics at all.


Wounds heal faster: The reduction in pain and bleeding also means less swallowing after the procedure. This particularity allows for rapid and more pleasant recovery and makes a tremendous difference in the post-op of complex treatments.


More comfortable experience. Patients of all ages and pain tolerance levels affirm that laser dentistry is more comfortable, not only due to reduced or nonexistent pain. With laser, patients don’t need to go through the stressful experience of receiving local anaesthesia – nobody likes needles no matter how old or wise they are.


In addition, as there is no need to use the drill, patients don’t experience the annoying vibration or listen to the dreadful sound of the tool. Furthermore, as chances of complications during or after treatment are significantly reduced, the post-op is also more bearable.

Limited damage and reduced need for stitches in soft tissues. Laser treatments are precise. Dentists can eliminate tooth decay, remodel gum tissue or remove bone tissue without affecting nearby areas. As a consequence, many laser procedures do not require stitches at all. This minimally invasive technique helps patients preserve as much healthy tissue as possible.


Lower chances of bacterial infection. Laser helps sterilize the area, as the powerful light can kill bacteria in both soft and hard tissues. This characteristic represents a great advantage, as the sterilization process reduces the chances of post-op complications and reinfections.

Lasers can be used for multiple dental procedures. Among the most common ones, we find:


Tooth preparation – With laser dentistry, drills and needles are no longer required to prepare the tooth for a dental filling. The steps with a laser are similar to the ones in conventional tooth prep. Still, the procedure is faster, more precise and way more comfortable! Lasers also kill oral bacteria nearby the preparation, preventing the risk of reinfection.


Reshaping soft tissue – Dental lasers are widely used in periodontics. As they can dissolve soft tissues, laser’s most common application is crown lengthening. This procedure, known as gingivectomy, is a popular alternative to make “gummy smiles” more attractive. It reshapes the gums, lengthening the visible portion of the tooth. Lasers can also be used to remove the soft tissue folds caused by ill-fitting dentures and to eliminate tartar and bacterial build-up in periodontal therapy.


Frenectomy – Ankiloglossya (commonly known as tongue-tie) refers to a tight attachment of the lingual frenum to the tongue, which limits tongue mobility. This limited mobility can interfere with children’s everyday life, causing difficulties in breastfeeding, speech impediments, and alterations in the eruption of permanent teeth. Lasers can be used to untie the tongue through minor surgery, avoiding the development or progression of the problems mentioned before.


Benign tumour removal – Although it is not particularly frequent, benign tumours can be formed in the soft tissue of the oral cavity. Dentists can use lasers to remove these tumours with clean margins from the gums, palate, lips and side of the cheeks through a pain-free method.


Teeth whitening – Lasers can boost and speed up the effect of the in-office whitening treatments by increasing the activity of the particles of bleaching agents.


Biopsy – When dentists detect suspicious lesions or abnormalities in soft tissues, they want to have them analyzed by a specialist. With lasers, they can perform biopsies instantly and with great precision.


Canker Sores relief: Dentists can use lasers to treat ulcers and ease discomfort relatively quickly. They simply stimulate healing potential, allowing the body to heal the lesion by itself in a shorter period of time.

Two types of laser are used in Dentistry: soft tissues laser and hard tissues laser. The dentist will choose the type of laser according to the treatment that needs to be carried out.


The main difference lies in the wavelength of each type of laser, which determines the affinity for a specific oral tissue. Hard tissues lasers have a wavelength of 2940 nm. They have a particular affinity for one of the main components of teeth enamel. In contrast, soft tissues lasers wavelengths (890nm) are absorbed primarily by tissue pigments and blood components. Each laser is used for different treatments:


  • Soft tissues laser: it is the most widely used type of laser. Dentists can choose it for multiple dental procedures, including soft tissue reshaping, biopsy and lesion removals, and periodontal therapy.
  • Hard tissues laser: hard tissues lasers are typically used for caries prevention, teeth whitening, cavity preparation, and diagnostic purposes.