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Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry can change your life and your smile

BowTie Dental Studio offers premium quality cosmetic dentistry services to improve the appearance of your teeth and overall smile. We offer state-of-art dental equipment and materials to give you the best treatment possible for your dental needs. BowTie Dental Studio is one of the best dental clinics in Brooklyn, NYC with highly qualified dentists who will take good care of your teeth. Contact us for a personalized, high-quality dental experience.

Bowtie Dental offers following cosmetic dentistry services

There are several ways to improve the appearance of your smile. While some prefer braces, others choose to go with clear aligners for their orthodontic treatment.


What is Invisalign?


Invisalign is the brand name of a type of clear aligners and most popular among patients. Invisalign aligners are custom-made, comfortable, and less conspicuous ways to straighten your teeth. As the name suggests, this product is designed to make orthodontic treatment virtually invisible. The Invisalign clear aligner is made from a flexible thermoplastic material named SmartTrack. While Invisalign aligners may not be completely invisible, these clear trays fit tightly over your teeth and are much less noticeable than the brackets and wires of traditional braces.


Invisalign treatment at BowTie Dental Studio:


It is our priority to have each patient as satisfied as possible with their Invisalign treatment. Although each individual treatment can differ in size and time, our work is to make sure that the entire process goes as smoothly as possible for you.


Invisalign treatment will consist of the following steps:


  • Initial Visit: Our Doctor will start you of by acquiring 3D imaging of your teeth utilizing iTero Element scanner, take several photographs of your face and teeth and prepare your case for Invisalign ClinCheck submission. It will require approximately 20-30 minutes appointment for this visit.
  • Treatment Consultation: Suggested treatment will be discussed in detail. Such as treatment duration, approximate number of visits, total cost and payment options will be reviewed. You will be provided with ClinCheck log-in, proprietary software that allows you to virtually monitor your progress, and see the end result, your brand-new smile. This visit is expected to last to 30 minutes depending on complexity of the case.
  • Treatment: Should you decide to start the treatment, you will be notified when your initial set of Invisalign clear trays arrive and scheduled accordingly. The Doctor will provide an approximate timeframe for the treatment, and you will be scheduled for a follow up visit after each appointment.
  • Completion: Once the desired results are achieved, the Doctor will complete the treatment and move you to Vivera Retainers. While these retainers are not mandatory, they are highly recommended for maintaining the results achieved by the Invisalign treatment. Vivera retainer option is always discussed during your treatment consultation.

Among the Cosmetic Dentistry services that can change your smile completely and make you feel more confident is “Dental veneers”.


Dental veneers or Porcelain veneers are thin, customized shells that are made to cover the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance by changing their shape, size, color or length.


Dental veneers can be made of Porcelain or resin. Porcelain veneers are more common since they have better stain resistance and better mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth. Unlike crown/ implants that replace the whole tooth, dental veneers cover the outer surface of the tooth only. Dental veneers can fix several dental problems such as:


  • Teeth discoloration
  • Chipped or broken teeth
  • Worn down teeth
  • Misaligned teeth
  • Gapped teeth
  • Uneven-shaped teeth


There are two types of veneers:


traditional and non-prep veneers in cosmetic dentistry. The application of dental veneers requires removing layers of the tooth under the enamel. It can be painful hence done under the effect of local anesthetics. On the other hand, non-prep veneers require removal of enamel only and usually, its application doesn’t require local anesthesia.


Traditional porcelain veneers usually last between 10 and 15 years. Throughout this period, you have to take certain precautions to make sure that they last for the longest possible period:


  • Avoid chewing on hard objects like pens, ice, or your fingernails.
  • Wear a mouthguard while playing sports.
  • Never use your teeth to open the packaging.
  • Cut up hard foods into small pieces and avoid chewing with your front teeth instead, use your back teeth.
  • Get a retainer to protect your veneers if you grind or clench your teeth at night.

Dental bonding is a procedure where the dentist applies composite to each tooth to be treated to cover cracks, chips, discoloration, and potentially other issues. It can be applied to just one tooth, or multiple teeth depending on the needs of the patient. This procedure tends to be more simple and less painful than other dental treatments, which is why it is performed without anesthesia. It doesn’t require multiple trips to the dentist either, so many people like this option as they can have the smile they have always wanted in just one visit after the consultation has taken place. In just a few hours, a brand-new smile can be revealed that increases confidence and boosts self-esteem.


What Is the Process of Getting Bonding?


To begin with, our dentist will ensure they have chosen the best shade for the temporary teeth by comparing various resin shades and ensuring it matches the color of your teeth closely. In some cases, whitening will be performed first if you require a brighter white finish. Your dentist will roughen the surface of the tooth, and then apply a bonding agent that allows the material to stick to the tooth.


The composite resin is then applied over the liquid, the tooth is molded and shaped, and then it is all hardened with an ultraviolet light. Your dentist can continue to shape the tooth after the resin has hardened if they need to. Dental bonding tends to give an extremely natural finish after all.

Inlays and onlays are indirect dental restorations, which means they are made outside of your mouth in a laboratory. An inlay or onlay is typically used when a cavity is too large for a simple filling.


Inlays and onlays can increase a tooth’s strength by up to 75 percent.


There are many benefits of inlays and onlays, including:


  • More resistant to fractures and damage than traditional cavity fillings
  • Stain-resistant
  • Improve the natural aesthetic and appearance of teeth
  • Custom-made to fit a patient’s tooth structure, color, and shape
  • Depending on the patient’s cavity and fracture risk, they can last up to 20-25 years.

What Is the Process of Getting Inlays/Onlays?


The procedure to place an inlay or onlay is basically the same and both require two dental visits.


The first dental visit will involve the preparation of the tooth which includes the removal of the decayed or damaged portion. Because the procedure is conservative, the dentist will only remove as little tooth structure as possible to restore your tooth. After the decay and damage have been removed a mold/or scan of the tooth is taken and sent to the dental lab. A temporary restoration is placed on the tooth until the inlay or onlay comes back from the lab.


The last appointment involves the cleaning of the tooth to prepare for the new inlay or onlay. The inlay or onlay will be tried to ensure a correct fit before it is bonded to the tooth.


If the fit doesn’t interfere with the patient’s bite, it is permanently attached to the tooth using special cement or bonding then polished for appearance.

Dental implants are medical devices surgically implanted into the jaw to restore a person’s ability to chew or their appearance. They provide support for artificial (fake) teeth, such as crowns, bridges, or dentures.


Dental implant systems consist of a dental implant body, dental implant abutment and an abutment fixation screw. The dental implant body is surgically inserted in the jawbone in place of the tooth’s root and is usually attached to the implant body by the abutment fixation screw and extends through the gums into the mouth to support the attached artificial crown.

Among the Cosmetic Dentistry services that are able to change your smile completely and make you feel more confident is “Dental veneers”.


Dental veneers or Porcelain veneers are thin, customized shells that are made to cover the front surface of the teeth to improve their appearance by changing their shape, size, color or length.


Dental veneers can be made of Porcelain or resin. Porcelain veneers are more common since they have better stain resistance and better mimic the light-reflecting properties of natural teeth. Unlike crown/ implants that replace the whole tooth, dental veneers cover the outer surface of the tooth only. Dental veneers can fix several dental.